
This was the southern limb of the moon at 8:33 pm, earlier tonight, at a magnification of 180. The moon's face was 53% illuminated. The crater with the most conspicuous mountain right in its middle, about a quarter of the way down from the top of the photo and almost at the terminator, is Albategnius.

Its description at Virtual Moon Atlas:

Type: Walled plain
Geological period: Nectarian (From -3.92 billions years to -3.85
billions years)

Dimension: 139x139Km / 82x82Mi
Height: 0
Height/Wide ratio: 0.0287

Damaged circular formation.
Steep slopes riddled with craterlets.
High walls ridden by many craters whose Klein to the West and
Albategius B to the North.
Large flat floor. White spot to the West. Central mountain.
Depressions and craterlets.

Interest : Exceptional formation
Observation period: First Quarter or 6 days after Full Moon
Minimal Instrument: 10x binoculars

Longitude: 4.1° East
Latitude: 11.2° South
Quadrant: South-East
Area: Ptolemaeus crater region

Rukl map: 44 Ptolemaeus
Viscardy page: 204
Hatfield map: 13e5 / 13f5
Westfall Atlas: 357C 003C/S 161C/S 167C 174C
Charles Wood article: MM137
Lunar Orbiter: IV-096-H2 IV-101-H2

Name Origine:
Detailed Name: Muhammad ibn al-Battani
9 th century arabian Astronomer born in Araby
Born at: Harran in 858
Dead at: Qasr al Djiss in 929
Important Facts: Author of the 'Zidj' improving considerably
astronomical knowledge of his period. Measure of the obliquity of
the Ecliptique.
Name Author: Riccioli (1651)
Name by Langrenus: Ferdinandi III Imp. Rom.
Name by Hevelius: Mons Didymus
Name by Riccioli: Albategnius


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